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“Girls Just Want to Have Fun” event co-chairs: Carol Roaman, president, Women’s Division (right) with (from left) Andrea Stark, executive vice president; Bambi Felberbaum, vice president; and Jackie Harris, executive vice president.
More than 200 Einstein Women’s Division members and friends gathered on October 7, 2015, at the Harmonie Club in Manhattan for the division’s third annual “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” event. The program featured lunch, shopping, mahjong and canasta and raised funds for breast cancer research.
In her welcoming remarks, division executive vice president and event co-chair Andrea Stark highlighted the work of Joseph A. Sparano, M.D., vice chair of medical oncology at the Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care, associate director of clinical research at the Albert Einstein Cancer Center and a professor of medicine and of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health at Einstein and Montefiore. Dr. Sparano led a groundbreaking study, published last September in the New England Journal of Medicine, that may change the way many women are treated for breast cancer (see page 14). The study found that women who have early-stage breast cancer and score low on a gene test for cancer recurrence can limit their post-surgery/radiation treatment to hormonal therapy without the need for chemotherapy. Carol Roaman, Women’s Division president; Jackie Harris, executive vice president; and Bambi Felberbaum, vice president, also served as event co-chairs.
To join the Einstein Women’s Division’s initiative to support research on women’s and men’s cancers, or to learn more about the Women’s Division, please contact Mary Anna Smith at 718.430.4010 or
The Women’s Division held its annual National Women’s Day luncheon on November 10, 2015, at the Harmonie Club. Balazs Halmos, M.D., M.S., director of the thoracic oncology program and of clinical cancer genetics and professor of clinical medicine at Einstein and Montefiore, spoke on women and lung cancer. Allen M. Spiegel M.D., the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean, talked about Einstein and Montefiore’s newly strengthened partnership. The event was chaired by Linda Altman and Terri Goldberg, executive vice presidents, and board member Carole Olshan.