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  • Donald Kline, M.D. ’59, has published Luv Bajan Style, a love story, A Long Beat to Windward, a historical novel, and The Epiphany of Jillian Ashton, a political novel. All are available on Amazon and Kindle. Dr. Kline has two other novels on tap: an insurance murder mystery and a medical thriller.



  • Ruth Freeman, M.D. ’60, is a professor of internal medicine and women’s health at Einstein and continues to work full time as the director of the bone densitometry unit and as a practicing endocrinologist, lecturer and grandmother of 11. Her husband, Robert M. Lewis, M.D. ’60, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health at Einstein, received the Distinguished Alumnus/Clinical Practitioner Award in 2014. Dr. Freeman writes, “We celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary on May 31. We’re thrilled that our daughter, Beth Lewis, M.D. ’00,  has returned to the Einstein orbit as chief of obstetric consultative medicine at Jacobi Medical Center and North Central Bronx Hospital.”
  • Jack Katz, M.D. ’60, is “still working actively in private psychiatric practice” but is “(finally) in the process of retiring from playing basketball. Fortunately, there’s still tennis!”
  • Edward Stim, M.D. ’60, celebrated his 81st birthday this year. He is “still happily an expatriate in Tokyo, Japan,” and may be reached at 011 91 33 811 8124 or at (Physician’s Notebooks) and (Slim Novels 1 to 18).
  • Sidney H. Sobel, M.D. ’61, F.A.C.R., commissioned a musical work that premiered in 2012 with the Oberlin Conservatory Orchestra and the Rochester Philharmonic, and has since been performed across the U.S. and abroad. (A recording is available on Dr. Sobel writes: “Created by world-renowned composer Lorenzo Palomo, this symphonic poem accompanies the narration of Dr. Seuss’ ‘The Sneetches,’ a story about the injury caused by acts of prejudice. I believe its message will raise awareness of social injustice.” He adds: “I continue a limited radiation oncology practice, hold a faculty appointment at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and serve on the boards of several community organizations. My dear wife, Barbara, and I have three children: Diane, a psychiatric social worker, lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband, Gary, a professor of foreign languages and literature and their son; Will, founder and CEO of System Insights, resides in Oakland, CA, with his wife, Valerie, an artist, and their three sons; Joshua is a theatrical director and literary manager in Chicago. I look forward to our 55th Einstein reunion in 2016.”
  • Ronald Grober, M.D. ’62, writes: “I hated to leave my specialty of orthopedic surgery, but with what I see going on in our profession I am happy not having to deal with our rapidly decaying healthcare system. Dorothy and I enjoy Florida in the winter and my sailboat and our home in Colorado in the summer. We feel privileged to enjoy an active and interesting lifestyle. We’ve taken wonderful trips over the years and are fortunate to have special friends who enrich our life. My interest in jazz continues; my band and I perform for enthusiastic crowds and play with top-caliber professionals. I hang on as best I can and enjoy the ride. I am most grateful for having had a super career, a wonderful woman in my life, healthy kids and grandkids.”
  • Joseph Berke, M.D. ’64, published his 12th book, The Hidden Freud: His Hassidic Roots (Karnac Books). Dr. Berke notes, “This book discusses the side of Sigmund Freud that he concealed, his interest in and knowledge
    of Jewish and Kabbalistic sources. It demonstrates the great extent to which psychoanalysis is based on Kabbalistic thinking.”
  • Naomi Alazraki, M.D. ’66, has retired “after a 42-year career in academic nuclear medicine with the Veterans Administration (28 years in Atlanta, five in Salt Lake City and ten in San Diego) and the affiliated universities (Emory, University of Utah and UCSD). I  spend time playing the harp, being with my grandchildren, and ‘giving back’ as best I can. Proud of my daughters: Daphne, an art dealer in Manhattan, living with her husband in La Jolla, CA; Adina, a mother, wife and pediatric radiologist in my former department at Emory; and Rebecca, an attorney in Denver, CO. I serve as historian for the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, of which I am a past president, and plan to remain actively involved with the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine. I remember my Einstein years fondly; they seem to have happened long, long ago and, at the same time, just yesterday.”
  • Robert Zohlman, M.D. ’68, is a professor of medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Northern Virginia campus at Inova Fairfax Hospital, in Falls Church, VA.
  • Robert Hoffman, M.D. ’69, writes: “My fifth book chapter was published in a volume about pituitary disease. More important, my eldest son, Ari, recently had his first child and our eighth grandchild. Our first grandchild recently received the prize for best actor at a theater festival in Northern California, and our 16-year-old twin granddaughters won a state science contest at Cal Tech. Our youngest daughter, an immigration attorney and a fellow at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law, was awarded a grant to develop a program in Palo Alto for immigrant children facing deportation. Her husband wrote The B Corp Handbook, available on Amazon.”


  • Richard Abraham, M.D. ’70, is “semi-retired” from 38 years of full-time private practice in primary care internal medicine. “The ‘semi’ means that I teach University of Connecticut medical students, one session per week. My wife, Judy, a physical therapist, works part-time in private practice. Three kids and six grandchildren keep us busy from New York City and Baltimore to London. Then there are sailing, windsurfing, skiing, rollerblading, woodworking, artwork and bread baking. I hope my classmates are all well and keeping active.”
  • Stanley Glick, Ph.D. ’70, M.D. ’71, has published a novel, N Equals One. For more information visit
  • Diane Stover, M.D. ’70, reports, “My daughter, Dana, after earning a master’s degree in environmental health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and then working at the Environmental Protection Agency, went to medical school. She graduated in 2013 from New York Medical College and did her internship in internal medicine at Georgetown; she hopes to specialize in infectious disease.”
  • Marc Berenzweig, M.D. ’71, is forming a pediatric oncology service in Gondar, Ethiopia, with a grant from the National Children’s Cancer Society. Dr. Berenzweig serves on the board of the American Jewish Committee’s Westchester regional office, based in Westchester County, NY.
  • Allan B. Goldstein, M.D. ’71, retired as vice president of AmeriHealth New Jersey in 2007. He then operated a boutique consultancy focused on healthcare-delivery system design and outcomes-focused quality improvement. He also became a director at the Patient Assistance Network Foundation, which assists underinsured individuals. He is now looking for new volunteer opportunities with healthcare-related not-for-profits. In 2010 he and his wife, Barbara, moved to Delray Beach, FL. He writes, “Both of our children, and our two grandchildren, live nearby. I have reengaged with photography, an artistic outlet I developed as a medical student. I would be happy to hear from classmates living in southeast Florida.”
  • Miriam F. Tasini, M.D. ’71, reports that her book Where Are We Going? was included in the 2014 exhibit on the history of Polish Jews at the Galicia Jewish Museum in Kraków, Poland.
  • Robert Ritch, M.D. ’72, is the Shelley and Steven Einhorn Distinguished Chair in Ophthalmology, director of international affairs and glaucoma research, surgeon director emeritus and chief of glaucoma services at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. In 2013 Dr. Ritch was honored at the American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting and received the World Glaucoma Association Recognition Award. In 2014, he received the Moacyr Álvaro Gold Medal, one of Latin America’s most prestigious ophthalmology awards, at the Moacyr Álvaro International Symposium in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was also honored at the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress and served as convener of the World Ophthalmology Congress. This year, he was convener of the 2015 Glaucoma Program at the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, and organizer of the Glaucoma Program at the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis 40th anniversary meeting in Ghent, Belgium.
  • Mark Epstein, M.D. ’73, has retired from his internal medicine practice. His wife, Debby,  is retired from New York State (serving in the courts, in healthcare administration and as an advisor at Binghamton University). “I am employed part-time as director of Lourdes Occupational Health Services in Binghamton,” he writes, “and am devoting more time to travel and reading. We recently drove down the California coast and stayed with Deb and Rich Kremsdorf, M.D. ’73, in San Diego. My career satisfactions were abundant, but it was time to explore other paths.”
  • Lawrence (Larry) Kaplan, M.D. ’73, was honored for the second time by the Wellesley Townsman newspaper for making outstanding civic contributions to his community in Wellesley, MA. The honor recognized Dr. Kaplan’s work as founder and president of the community development organization Cité Soleil Opportunity Council, which he started in Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, soon after the 2010 earthquake. He was also recognized for his four years of teaching in Wellesley High School’s global marketing class and serving as a role model for the students.
  • Jonathan Tobis, M.D. ’73, writes, “I presented a lecture at Jacobi Medical Center Grand Rounds in May 2015. I reviewed my work in interventional cardiology over the past 40 years, including helping to develop digital angiography, intravascular ultrasound and the treatment of patent foramen ovale. It was very poignant for me to return to where my journey in medicine began.”
  • Barbara Allen-Dalrymple, M.D. ’74, retired in 2014. She traveled to Uganda in June of that year to volunteer at a medical clinic, as a member of a mission trip sponsored by her church.
  • Albert Brooks, M.D. ’74, was invited to participate in a physician leaders’ forum hosted by the Joint Commission in March 2014. “This reflects the excellent training and education I received at Einstein and in my ob/gyn residency there,” he writes. “I have served as chief of medical services at Washington Hospital Healthcare System in Fremont, CA, for the past ten years. Before that, I had a private ob/gyn practice in Berkeley, for 26 years. During that time I became chairman of the ob/gyn department and president of the medical staff, and served on the Board of Trustees of Alta Bates Summit Medical Center.”
  • Martin Grajower, M.D. ’74, serves on the editorial board of Endocrine Practice and as co-editor of Diabetes/Metabolism: Research and Reviews.
  • Murray Pollack, M.D. ’74, is chair and professor in the department of child health at the University of Arizona College of Medicine–Phoenix. He recently stepped down from his positions as chief medical and academic officer of Phoenix Children’s Hospital, where he was on staff for seven years. Dr. Pollack plans to return to Washington, DC, in the near future.
  • Howard J. Winter, M.D. ’74, F.A.C.S., is program director for surgery in the Virtua Health System. Headquartered in Marlton, NJ, Virtua is a four-hospital system with multiple outpatient surgery centers and is the largest system in southern New Jersey. Dr. Winter completed his surgical residency at Einstein in 1978 and specializes in colon and rectal surgery.
  • Harold Pincus, M.D. ’75, received the 2015 Research Mentorship Award, bestowed jointly by the American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry and the American Psychiatric Association, for his contributions to the career development of young investigators. Dr. Pincus is a professor and vice chair of the department of psychiatry at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, director of quality and outcomes research at New York–Presbyterian Hospital and co-director of Columbia’s Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. He is also a senior scientist at the RAND Corporation and national director of the Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program.
  • Ira Helfand, M.D. ’77, and Deborah Smith, M.D. ’77, continue to practice in Western Massachusetts. Ira writes: “I serve as co-president of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the global federation of which Physicians for Social Responsibility is the U.S. affiliate. The two organizations released a major report on nuclear famine in 2013, describing the catastrophic consequences that would follow even a limited nuclear war. I presented data at the Knesset in Jerusalem, and  addressed the second conference on the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons in Nayarit, Mexico, attended by 146 governments from around the world. I encourage you to visit and, and join the international campaign to educate people about the potential medical impact of nuclear war and the urgent need to eliminate these weapons.”
  • Robert Stone Lee, M.D. ’77, reports that after retiring from his interventional cardiology practice in Boise, ID, in 2011, he went to law school at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law and graduated in 2014. Dr. Lee writes, “I passed the Idaho State Bar exam and, in May 2015, was sworn in. Now I’m looking for a job! In my spare time, I enjoy kitesurfing, windsurfing, kayaking and skiing.”
  • Sten Vermund, M.D. ’77, M.Phil., Ph.D., received the 2014 Allan Rosenfield Alumni Award for Excellence from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York. Dr. Vermund is director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, the Amos Christie Chair of Global Health and a professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. The award recognized his extraordinary contributions to the public health field in the area of HIV infection prevention and HIV/AIDS infrastructures to improve cancer screening and treatment for women in low-income countries since the late 1980s. It honored Dr. Vermund for his devotion to addressing public health disparities and his remarkable efforts to improve women’s and children’s health on a global scale.
  • Sarah Day, M.D. ’78, plans to retire from her full-time pediatric practice in Richmond, VA, on her 70th birthday in February 2016. “Then I hope to spend much more time with my granddaughter, age 6,” writes Dr. Day. “She lives in Denver with my daughter, Katie Weisberger, who has her master’s degree and teaches high school art and photography in Denver. My three Weisberger sons are Ben, studying economics at Virginia Commonwealth University; David, doing a physics Ph.D. in Phoenix; and Bill, who has his master’s and teaches high school biology in Denver.”
  • Irene Hyler, M.D. ’79, received the Nancy C. A. Roeske, M.D., Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Medical Student Education, presented by the American Psychiatric Association and its Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning. The award recognizes Dr. Hyler’s contributions as a faculty member at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City.


  • James Feldman, M.D. ’80, ran his first Boston Marathon this year as a member of Team BMC (Boston Medical Center) to celebrate his 60th birthday. Dr. Feldman has worked at BMC for 35 years and has dubbed his training regimen and efforts “Run to Remember.” He considers the whole experience a journey, “looking back at emergency care in the streets, the many triumphs, tragedies, personalities and visionaries who have played such an important role at BMC and in my life. Training for any marathon is no easy task, and as an emergency medicine physician, I had to schedule my training around the time spent caring for others.” Dr. Feldman received the Massachusetts Medical Society’s Grant V. Rodkey Award in 2014. The award recognizes a Massachusetts physician for outstanding contributions to medical education and medical students.
  • Howard Haimes, Ph.D. ’82, and his wife, Paula, announce the birth of their first grandson, to their daughter Elana and son-in-law Michael. Dr. Haimes writes, “Paula and I have been married for 43 years. We are planning a trip to India and are looking forward to our next season at the Metropolitan Opera. She is enjoying retirement and literacy volunteering, while I continue to work as a contractor for Engility, supporting the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s therapeutics division.”
  • Robert Kahn-Rose, M.D. ’81, Ph.D. ’81, has a full-time private practice in psychiatry in Encino, CA, and is still on the faculty of UCLA as an associate clinical professor. He writes, “I have four children, ages 34, 31, 29 and 20. The oldest three are married. I have seven grandchildren. One dog, one cat, one grand-dog. One wonderful wife of nearly 38 years. Great life. Hope everyone is well.”
  • Brian Rubin, M.D. ’81, and Rhonda Rubin, M.D. ’84, welcomed a granddaughter, Sophie, in September 2013.
  • Steve Merahn, M.D. ’82, has joined U.S. Medical Management in Troy, MI, as the chief medical officer for its 200-plus physician, multistate, home-based primary-care practice focused on complex/fragile elderly and disabled patients. Dr. Merahn oversees the company’s national accountable-care organization and CMS Independence at Home program, a project of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
  • Edwin F. Simpser, M.D. ’82, is president and chief executive officer of St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children, New York’s largest provider of long-term care for children with medical complexity and New York City’s only pediatric sub-acute care hospital.
  • Marjorie Merod, M.D. ’84, has retired from active practice in ob/gyn. Her son, Michael, born while she was a third-year student at Einstein, is an attorney in Silver Spring, MD. Her daughter, Marjorie, recently married Daniel Stevens in Montauk, NY, and works for North Carolina State University, as an assistant director of the Kayrollah Institute for Lebanese Studies. Dr. Merod and her husband, Michael, have lived in Raleigh, NC, since she finished her residency at Einstein.
  • Sander Rabin, M.D. ’84, writes, “Having practiced ophthalmology and biomedical patent law, I have founded and am organizing the Center for Transhuman Jurisprudence, a not-for-profit corporation. Its mission is to create and evaluate model legal systems that anticipate a transhuman citizenry.”
  • Jo A. Hannafin, M.D. ’85, Ph.D. ’85, informs us, “I am a professor of orthopaedic surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College and the director of orthopaedic research at the Hospital for Special Surgery. I recently completed a term as the first female president of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. My husband, John Brisson, and I have three children: Andrew, 27, an artist in Syracuse, NY; Caitlin, 25, a marine ecologist in Providence, RI; and Connor, 21, an economics major at Indiana University. Life is good, and we’re happy and grateful!”
  • Joseph R. Maldonado, M.D. ’85, was installed as president of the Medical Society of the State of New York in May. Dr. Maldonado writes, “I believe that I am the first Einstein alumnus to attain this honor.”
  • Linda (Lin) Arias, M.D. ’86, writes: “Hello from Australia! I’m a GP (family medicine doctor) with obstetric qualifications here in Perth, on the West Coast. I’ve lived in Australia since 1987. I have two teenage girls who were born here and who, like me, are dual citizens. We return to the USA every two years, to see family and friends and get a hit of New York City culture. Life is good Down Under. If you’re interested in staying in touch, e-mail me at It seems to me that our school is thriving as I hope all of you are, too.”
  • Kris Karlen, M.D. ’86, led a team of medical personnel affiliated with the nonprofit SEE International on a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo for a humanitarian expedition in July. The medical team, including Dr. Karlen’s co-leader, Charles Narh, a technician, “had prepared to perform approximately 100 sight-restoring surgeries in the rural village of Dienenga. However, word spread across the countryside, and more than 4,000 men, women and children arrived seeking eye care. We managed to screen all 4,000, stretch our supplies and restore the vision of 250 blind or sight-impaired individuals.”
  • Lewis Berman, M.D. ’87, F.A.C.C.P., was promoted from chair of medicine to vice president of medical affairs of Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk, CT. He recently became an inaugural diplomate in clinical informatics through the American Board of Preventive Medicine.
  • Kelly Michael James, M.D. ’87, F.A.C.S., has been appointed assistant associate professor of surgery at the University of Missouri–Kansas City Truman Medical Center in Lakewood, MO. He is also the trauma medical director at Saint Luke’s East Medical Center in Lee Summit, MO.
  • Deena Zimmerman, M.D. ’88, M.P.H., I.B.C.L.C., and her husband, Sammy, celebrated the wedding of their son Ari (an Einstein baby) in February 2014 to Hodaya Rosh in Tiberias, Israel, as well as the bat mitzvah of their daughter Tikva.
  • Jean Burg, M.D. ’89, writes, “My daughter Abigail was one of the first babies born to our class, in May 1987. I am so sad to share the news of her death in July 2011 from a tragic accident, when she was only 24. She was a vibrant young woman who loved life and was deeply loved by her family and friends. She had a beautiful soprano voice, beautiful red hair and a beautiful personality. Abby was about to begin social work school and planned to dedicate her life to helping disadvantaged children and families. To honor her life and fulfill her dreams of helping youth, a nonprofit organization has been established. Please visit”


  • Panayiotis A. Ellinas, M.D. ’91, M.P.H., reports, “I continue to practice as the village doctor, on the fringes (both geographically and morally), in America’s Wild West and on the U.S.-Mexico border. My office is 500 feet from the border. The ‘forgotten diseases of forgotten people,’ to quote my mentor, as well as drug-related problems, are in my daily routine. After two active-duty overseas deployments (and a U.S. Army humanitarian mission to East Africa where I quickly became an expert in the treatment of the curious syndrome of schistosomiasis, TB and AIDS), I resigned from the U.S. Army Reserves Medical Corps. An 8-year-old and a 13-year-old at home are more than enough reason to do so, after 10 years of voluntary patriotic service and frequent absences from home! To quote Dr. Seuss, ‘And that is that.’”
  • Dina Levin, M.D. ’93, moved to Bellingham, WA, in 2014. She writes, “Enjoying work for PeaceHealth Medical Group Ob/Gyn at PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center. Our boys, 13 and 14, are adjusting well. My husband is remodeling a house for us with a great view of the Canadian mountains.”
  • Hugh Bases, M.D. ’94, writes, “I am a developmental pediatrician at NYU School of Medicine and the program director of the fellowship in developmental/behavioral pediatrics. I have a small private practice in northern New Jersey. This past summer, I celebrated my 22nd wedding anniversary! I have two teenage kids, Rachel, 17, and Ben, 13. Very blessed.”
  • David Markenson, M.D. ’94, has moved to Denver, CO, and is the chief medical officer for Sky Ridge Medical Center, a hospital within the HealthONE System, part of the Hospital Corporation of America.
  • Brian Blaufeux, M.D. ’96, is the chief medical informatics officer at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco, NY.
  • Laurie Hirsh, M.D. ’97, is happily married to Stephen Goldstein and has two wonderful children, Casey, 2, and Matthew, 3 months. She lives with her family in Manhattan and is the hand surgeon in the orthopedic surgery department at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx.
  • James Post, M.D. ’97, has joined the James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx, NY, as chief of internal medicine. He was previously an attending physician in nephrology there and co-administrator of the hemodialysis unit. Dr. Post has academic appointments at Columbia University School of Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is board certified in internal medicine and nephrology and has received numerous awards.


  • Dilip D. Madnani, M.D. ’01, F.A.C.S., has a practice in facial plastic surgery in Manhattan and on Long Island ( and started a skin care company, Pure Heal Plus ( He writes, “We launched our first product to help improve the appearance of scars and had an official launch at Clyde’s on Madison, a well-known apothecary and pharmacy on Manhattan’s Upper East Side—quite exciting! I work closely with Snehal Amin, M.D. ’00, and Parinita (Pari) Amin, M.D. ’01, and am also regularly in touch with Gautam Mirchandani, M.D. ’00; Christina Koizumi, M.D. ’00; Marwan Kazimi, M.D. ’01, and Nerses Sanossian, M.D. ’00.”
  • Olga (Pantukhova) Segal, M.D. ’04, writes, “I enjoy my work as a general neurologist in Queens, NY. My amazing husband, Eric B. J. Segal, M.D. ’05, is a pediatric epileptologist. He runs pediatric epilepsy and ketogenic diet programs for the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group in Hackensack, NJ.” They and their five children enjoy theater, arts, travel, camping and biking.
  • Satra (Browne) Gradiska, M.D. ’06, was married to Daniel Gradiska in August 2013, in New York City,
    surrounded by family and friends. She writes, “We were blessed to share our wedding day with close friends and Einstein alumni Anita Holman, M.D. ’06; Adamma Mba Jonas, M.D. ’07; May Li, M.D. ’07; Marissa Stridiron, M.D. ’06; and Shellyann Sharpe, M.D. ’05. We are now living happily ever after in New Zealand surrounded by nature, hobbits and lots of sheep.”
  • Robyn Gartner, M.D. ’08, and her husband, Howard Roth, happily welcomed their first child, Lea Rebecca, on January 7, 2015.
  • Cara Zeldis Snyder, M.D. ’08, is “happy to report that since finishing my fellowship in oculoplastics last summer, I have started practicing ophthalmology with a focus in oculoplastics in Boca Raton, FL. By chance, I am working with fellow Einstein alum S. Daniel Salama, M.D. ’91! I was lucky enough to be free for the Einstein in Florida alumni event and enjoyed hearing all about the wonderful ongoing research at Einstein. I would love to connect with other Einstein alumni in the South Florida area.”
  • Dana Kotler, M.D. ’09, completed a fellowship in sports medicine at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital/Harvard University in 2014. She has stayed on as an attending physician at the Spaulding Outpatient Center–Wellesley and Newton-Wellesley Hospital, and is a clinical instructor in the department of physical medicine & rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kotler has created a cycling medicine program that includes a multidisciplinary clinic for cyclists. She has also continued bike racing in New England, both road and cyclocross.


  • Allen Chang, M.D. ’10, writes, “After completing my first tour as a naval flight surgeon out of Okinawa, Japan, I was selected to complete a final operational tour out of Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar, San Diego, CA. Shortly after attaching to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 363, I deployed to Central Command/Middle East with the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force, serving as the senior medical officer for casualty evacuation, contingency operations and personnel recovery/crisis response missions out of Kuwait and Iraq. My expeditionary squadron flies an MV-22B ‘Osprey’ aircraft that takes off like a helicopter and moves like an airplane, and my seat is typically next to the pilot or enlisted crew chief with my dusty trauma bag. I spent the past few holidays in Kuwait and Iraq, but I’ve safely made it home and am applying for an emergency medicine residency as a civilian.”
  • Andrew “Avi” Friedman, M.D. ’13, and his wife, Deena, announce the birth of their son, Caleb Meir Friedman, in July 2013.

In Memoriam

  • We acknowledge with sadness the passing of the following Einstein alumni. We honor their memories and extend our deepest condolences to their families and friends.

    John Baron, M.D. ’62

    Hadassah Brooks-Morgan, M.D. ’61

    Naomi (Weiss) Drabkin, M.D. ’71

    Sidney W. Ecker, M.D. ’66

    David E. Epstein, M.D. ’79

    Harold H. Fogelman, M.D. ’69

    Sheldon Gladstein, M.D. ’60

    Richard Horstmeyer, M.D. ’72

    Alexander Karpenos, M.D. ’86

    Leonard Kasen, M.D. ’60

    Paul S. Nemetz, M.D. ’61

    Alan B. Port, M.D. ’81

    Georg L. Rymph, M.D. ’99

    Fred M. Sander, M.D. ’63

    Allan Spielvogel, M.D. ’68

    Frederick J. Tanz, M.D. ’65

    Kristin Joyner Vergunst, M.D. ’90

    Ann Weisman, M.D. ’77

    Sandra M. Weiss-Schwartz,M.D. ’60

    Robert A. Wolf, M.D. ’66

    Richard Zakheim, M.D. ’62

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