Announcements & Events

Einstein in Your Neighborhood: Fort Lauderdale

Connect with Einstein alumni, parents, and friends in the area.

Sunday, Jan. 26, Time and Location TBA

Montefiore Einstein in Florida

Join faculty in Palm Beach to hear some of the latest news out of Montefiore Einstein.

11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Mar. 4, The Colony, Palm Beach

Einstein in Your Neighborhood: San Francisco

Connect with Einstein alumni, parents, and friends in the area.

11 a.m. Sunday, Mar. 23, Location TBA

71st Spirit of Achievement Luncheon

Celebrate Einstein and our honorees at the Women’s Division’s signature fundraising event.

11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 13, The Rainbow Room, New York City

To register for or get more information on these and other upcoming events, please contact .

Alumni Spotlight

Sten Vermund, M.D. ’77, Ph.D., has been appointed the new dean of the University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health. Dr. Vermund, known for his extensive expertise in infectious-disease epidemiology and prevention, will begin his role in January 2025. Prior to joining USF, Dr. Vermund served as the Anna M. R. Lauder Professor of Public Health and dean at the Yale School of Public Health from 2017 to 2022, and as a professor of pediatrics and a clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at the Yale School of Medicine. He is also the current president of the Global Virus Network, which recently moved its international headquarters to USF. Dr. Vermund is a member of the Einstein Alumni Association’s board of governors. 

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