About the Magazine

The magazine for alumni, faculty, students, friends, and supporters of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore

Published by

The Philip and Rita Rosen Department of Communications and Public Affairs

Exectuive Director
Deirdre Branley

Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Kathleen Kearns, Senior Vice President of Development and Chief Philanthropy Officer
Suzanne M. Murphy, Ed.D., Vice President of Development, Einstein

Director, Science and Research Content
Larry Katzenstein

Managing Editor
Susan Byrne

Director, Creative Services
Marie L. Kurtz

Senior Director of External Relations, Development
Rachel Eddey

Director, Development Communications
Matthew Purcell

Art Directors
Jeneffer Lee, Susan Ceccarelli

Tatyana Starikova Harris

Digital Imaging
Tatyana Starikova Harris


Video Production
Sunita Reed, Director of Multimedia Communications
Jorge Garcia-Spitz
Peter Logue

Address correspondence to:
Editor, Einstein Magazine
Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
1300 Morris Park Avenue, Belfer 905
Bronx, NY 10461

E-mail: letters@einsteinmed.edu
Website: www.einsteinmed.edu