Campus News

Marmur Symposium Celebrates 25 Years

From left, Marmur Award winners Joshua Weinreb, Helen M. Belalcazar, and Marta Gronska-Peski.

Marmur Symposium Celebrates 25 Years

The Einstein research community celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Julius Marmur Awards on March 22 with a virtual symposium in which this year’s three winners presented their research, followed by a panel of four previous awardees, who shared their experiences and offered advice.

The award is given each year by Einstein’s Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences to three graduate students in recognition of their exceptional contributions to research in their fields.

The prize was established a quarter century ago in memory of pioneering molecular biologist Julius Marmur, Ph.D., who was a member of Einstein’s faculty for 33 years until his death in 1996.

This year’s winners, who represent a range of basic-science fields, included Helen M. Belalcazar, Ph.D., whose mentor was Julie Secomb, Ph.D., professor of genetics and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience; Marta Gronska-Peski, Ph.D., whose mentor was Jean Hébert, Ph.D., professor in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience and of genetics; and Joshua Weinreb, M.D./Ph.D. candidate, whose mentor is Teresa Bowman, Ph.D., associate professor of developmental and molecular biology and of medicine.

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